Zhigang Tao


Professor, School of Business

Professor, School of Economics & Finance

University of Hong Kong



Research Interests:

China business and economics

Economics of contracts and organization

Management and strategy


Working Papers:

Does Trade Liberalization with China Influence U.S. Elections? (With Yi CHE, Yi LU, Justin Pierce, and Peter Schott), April 2016.

Exposure to Chinese Imports and Media Slant: Evidence from 147 U.S. Local Newspapers over 1998-2012 (with Yi LU and Xiang SHAO), December 2016.

Journal Publications: 

Identifying FDI Spillovers (with Yi LU and Lianming ZHU), forthcoming, Journal of International Economics.

Vertical Integration and Firm Productivity (with Hongyi LI and Yi LU), forthcoming, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.

Once an Enemy, Forever an Enemy? The Long-run Impact of the Japanese Invasion of China from 1937 to 1945 on Trade and Investment (with Yi Che, Julan Du and Yi Lu), Journal of International Economics, volume 96, May 2015, 182-198.

Intermediaries, Firm Heterogeneity, and Exporting Behavior (with Jiangyong LU, Yi LU, and Yi SUN), forthcoming, World Economy.

Hollowing Out of the Real Economy: Evidence from Chinas listed Firms (with Xu LI and Xiang SHAO), forthcoming, Frontiers of Economics in China.

Government Expropriation and Chinese-Style Firm Diversification (with Julan Du and Yi Lu), Journal of Comparative Economics, volume 43, 2015, 155-169.

The Role of the State in Resolving Business Disputes in China (with Julan Du and Yi Lu), Journal of Comparative Economics, volume 42, 2014, 940-953.

Pure Exporter: Theory and Evidence (with Jiangyong Lu and Yi Lu), World Economy, volume 39 (issue 9), 2014, 1219-1236.

How Do Exporters Respond to Antidumping Investigations? (With Yi Lu and Yan Zhang), Journal of International Economics, volume 91, 2013, 290-300.

City-industry Growth in China (with Juan Ni, Yi Lu, and Linhui Yu), China Economic Review, volume 27, 2013, 135-147.

The Impact of Income on Democracy Revisited (with Yi Che,  Yi Lu, and Peng Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics, volume 41, 2013, 159-169.

Do institutions not matter in China? Evidence from manufacturing enterprises (with Yi Lu and Ivan Png), Journal of Comparative Economics, volume 41, 2013, 74-90.

Contracting Institutions and Vertical Integration: Evidence from China's Manufacturing Firms (with Julan Du and Yi Lu), Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 40, 2012, 89-107.

Do Domestic and Foreign Exporters Differ in Learning by Exporting? Evidence from China, (with Julan Du, Yi Lu, and Linhui Yu), China Economic Review, volume 23, 2012, 296--315.

Outsourcing, Product Quality, and Contract Enforcement (with Travis Ng and Yi LU), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, volume 21, 2012, 1-30.

Bank Loans versus Trade Credit: Evidence from China (with Julan Du and Yi Lu), the Economics of Transition, volume 20, 2012, 457-480.

Exporting Behavior of Foreign Affiliates: Theory and Evidence (with Jiangyong Lu and Yi Lu), Journal of International Economics, volume 81, 2010, 197-205.   

Capital or Knowhow: The Role of Foreign Multinationals in Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures (with Chong-En Bai and Jiangyong Lu), China Economic Review, volume 21, 2010, 629-638.

Union Effect on Performance and Employment Relation: Evidence from China (with Yi Lu and Yijiang Wang), China Economic Review, volume 21, 2010, 202-210.

Determinants of Entrepreneurial Activities in China (with Jiangyong Lu), Journal of Business Venturing, volume 25, 2010, 261-273.

The Costs and Benefits of Government Control: Evidence from China's Collectively-Owned Enterprises (Jiangyong Lu and Zhi Yang), China Economic Review, volume 21, 2010, 282-292.

Bi-Sourcing in the Global Economy (with Julan Du and Yi Lu), Journal of International Economics, volume 77, 2009, 215--222.

Contract enforcement and family control of business (with Yi Lu), Journal of Comparative Economics, volume 37, 2009, 597-609.

Excludable Public Goods: Pricing and Social Welfare Maximization (with Chongen Bai and Yi Lu), Economics Letters, volume 103, 2009, 72-74.

Trends and determinants of China's industrial agglomeration (with Jiangyong Lu), Journal of Urban Economics, volume 65, 2009, 167-180.

How does privatization work in China? (With Chongen Bai and Jiangyong Lu), Journal of Comparative Economics, volume 37, 2009, 453--470.

Performance of Multinational Firms' Subsidiaries: Influences of Cumulative Experience (with Gerald Yong Gao, Yigang Pan, and Jiangyong Lu), Management International Review, volume 48, 2008, 749-768.

Economic Institutions and FDI Location Choice: Evidence from U.S. Multinationals in China (with Julan Du and Yi Lu), Journal of Comparative Economics, volume 36, 2008, 412-429.

Bureaucratic Integration and Regional Specialization in China (with Chongen Bai and Sarah Tong), China Economic Review, volume 19, 2008, 308-319.

FDI Location Choice: Agglomeration vs. Institutions (with Julan Du and Yi Lu), International Journal of Finance and Economics, volume 13, 2008, 92-107.   

Property Rights Protection and Access to Bank Loans: Evidence from Private Enterprises in China (with Chongen Bai and Jiangyong Lu), The Economics of Transition, volume 14, 2006, 611-628.

Why do firms conduct bi-sourcing? (With Julan Du and Yi Lu), Economics Letters, volume 92, August 2006, 245-249.

The Multitask Theory of State Enterprise Reform: Empirical Evidence from China (with Chongen Bai and Jiangyong Lu), American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, volume 96, May 2006, 353-357.

Revenue Sharing and Control Rights in Team Production: Theories and Evidence from Joint Ventures (with Chongen Bai and Changqi Wu), Rand Journal of Economics, volume 35(2), Summer 2004, 277-305.

Protectionism and Regional Specialization: Evidence from China's Industries (with Chongen Bai, Yingjuan Du, and Sarah Tong), Journal of International Economics, volume 63 (issue 2), 2004, 397-417.

Hong Kong: From an Industrialized City to A Center of Manufacturing-Related Services (with YC Richard Wong), Urban Studies, volume 39, 2002, 2345-2358.

Export, Foreign Direct Investment, and Local Content Requirement (with Larry D. Qiu), Journal of Development Economics, volume 66, 2001, 101-125.

An Agency Theory of Transactions without Contract Enforcement: The Case of China, (with Tian Zhu), China Economic Review, volume 12, 2001, 1-14. 

A Multi-Task Theory of the State Enterprise Reform (with Chongen Bai, David D. Li, and Yijiang Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics, volume 28, 2000, 716-738.

Bargaining, Bonding, and Partial Ownership (with Sudipto Dasgupta), International Economic Review, volume 41, 2000, 609-635.

Agency and Self-Enforcing Contracts (with Tian Zhu), Journal of Comparative Economics, volume 28, 2000, 80-94.

Contract Mixing in Franchising as a Mechanism for Public Good Provision (with Chongen Bai), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, volume 9, 2000, 85-113.

The Impact of Public Policies on Innovation and Imitation: The Role of R&D Technology in Growth Models (with Leonard K. Cheng), International Economic Review, volume 40, 1999, 187-207.

Foreign Direct Investment and Contract Enforcement (with Susheng Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics, volume 26, 1998, 761-782.

Contractual Incompleteness and the Optimality of Equity Joint Ventures (with Sudipto Dasgupta), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, volume 37, 1998, 391-413.

Policy on International R&D Cooperation: Subsidy or Tax (with Larry D. Qiu)? European Economic Review, volume 42, 1998, 1727-1750.

On the Organization of Cooperative Research and Development: Theory and Evidence (with Changqi Wu), International Journal of Industrial Organization, volume 15, 1997, 573-596.
